music production
'2Hero is about music production with an attitude' Our approach to music production is plain & simple: make the song shine and make the artist look great! Music with an attitude is the name of the game.
Wherever your project is at right now our modus operandi will adapt to it: whether you need assistance going this very last mile or you don't know how to produce music at all, award-winning 2Hero come to rescue.songwriting
'A great song is a great song is a great song'. Songwriting is about putting your ideas and emotions into music. It’s about listening to yourself.
Having a track record of 500+ releases we developed diverse and sophisticated skills in songwriting and co-writing while keeping an eye on how well a certain song fits a certain artist / vocal talent.remixes
'Remixes are a fantastic way of attracting new audiences to your music.' 2Hero got quite an experience with dance music and its diverse sub- and sub-sub genres. That is, we know how to shake the room.
From main room to leftfield, from minimal house to dubstep…. always with a heartfelt and unique approach truly serving your song.Your project deserves high-end custom production and fine-tuning to really stand out.
In time. Within the budget. Music production with an attitude.
Aktuelle Beiträge
Yeah! Our track – Isla Mujer – Too Late entered the Swedish Dance charts.
Alongside the likes of Jack Ü ft. Justin Bieber, Jason Derulo or Kshmr & Dallask our track – Isla Mujer – Too Late entered the Swedish Dance charts.
WeiterlesenReleased: Isla Mujer ‚Too Late (Radio Edit)‘ on PR-Records.
Released: Isla Mujer ‚Too Late (Radio Edit)‘ on PR-Records. Isla Mujer is the brainchild of Dillingerforce (Kevin Hunneybell) haling from the UK, now living in Italy Dillingerforce wrote the vocal melody and lyrics. Having lived in the Caribbean and workedwith local artists there, Dillingerforce had a huge Youtube hit with ‚Bran Nu‘ which was a […]
WeiterlesenNew 2HERO production: Dillingerforce ‚Too Late Baby‘.
New 2HERO production: Dillingerforce ‚Too Late Baby‘. Too late baby … it’s the end of the world as we know it. Written By Kevin Hunneybell @ Dillingerforce. Production and remix by Heiko Bandasch, Roland Hackl & Niki Horak for 2hero productions.
WeiterlesenMiky Anton successful at 7us records.
Solo violinist and composer Miky Anton recorded and produced his songs ‚The Star In My Heart‘ and ‚Giantsfight‘ with 2HERO Productions @set-studios berlin. He made a record deal with seven us media group. We are very proud of him 🙂
WeiterlesenLoungemasters: Counting Crows feat. Aromabar ‚Colorblind‘.
Loungemasters: Counting Crows feat. Aromabar ‚Colorblind‘. (FRW LM 2014) Lounge Masters ORG – SOUNDCLOUD.COM|VON FRW
WeiterlesenReinvent Your Dreams, by Aromabar released on the album ‚Twenty + Years rooted in JazznotJazz‘.
Reinvent Your Dreams, by Aromabar released on the album ‚Twenty + Years rooted in JazznotJazz‘, INFRACom. INFRACOM.BANDCAMP.COM
WeiterlesenDelaDap – Listen Up 2HERO XTND Remix
DelaDap – Listen Up 2HERO XTND Remix Released by: Chat Chapeau Nouveau Release/catalogue number: CCR-038-2 Release date: 14 March 2014 ISRC: AT-Z57-14-00003 SOUNDCLOUD.COM|VON DELA-DAP
WeiterlesenListen Up von Deladap auf ansehen.
Jetzt das Musikvideo Listen Up von Deladap kostenlos und in Top-Qualität auf ansehen.